Lorry Rowe, former manager of our Werribee Op Shop is again in the Philippines with her son Shane. 
She is visiting several Rotary Clubs and participating in a number of activities to support True Manila and the street kids. Our club has again contributed to the back to school and food programs, dental health.

She is visiting several Rotary Clubs and participating in a number of activities to support True Manila and the street kids. Our club has again contributed to the back to school and food programs, dental health.
Lorry has so far attended several Rotary meetings and events and has donated to True Manila programs, Rotary Club of Mactan, Rotary Cabanatuan City and The Inner Wheel Cabanatuan City Club.
At 80 years young, Lorry climbed the Mount Pinatubo Trail. See the video https://m.facebook.com/watch/? v=743111081118602
and participated in a fundraising FunRun. She epitomises service above self.
The first donation was to street kids through True Manila. $100 = 3500 pesos and this purchased food for 50 children, 20 tshirts, and 20, 2kg bags of rice and 20 tins of tuna and corn beef for the seniors in a community.

President Jinky Meleloa of the Rotary Club of Mactan has worked with Lorry previously. On this visit Lorry's donation enabled the club to supply toothbrushes and toothpaste to children at the Kalawisan Elementary School where a dental project is being implemented in partnership with the Rotary Club of Osaka Sakshima. 10 Japanese Rotarians flew into Mactan for the project.

On February 10th, Lorry attended and participated in Fun Run with the Rotary club of Cabanatuan City and The Inner Wheel Cabanatuan City Club. I presented the Presidents of each club with $100. The Rotary club of Gapan, a club close by attended. Gathering at 5am, after registration we were given tshirts and then began. were given out. First to run was the 5 mile group and then my group, the 3 mile. Most of us walked and ran in spurts. Lorry was presented with a certificate as the oldest runner!

Last weekend, Lorry participated in the Mount Pinatubo Trail climb – a challenging trek along rocky paths, across streams and up hills. Another first – the oldest woman to climb the trail!