Life as we Rotarians have known it has come to an abrupt standstill.  Instead of travelling many kilometres each week on Rotary work - Donations in Kind, WERN, the Op Shop or Ft4 Use Store,  collecting playgrounds, books or donated goods, we are suddenly housebound.  While many of us continue to work by phone and computer, the hands on and socially fulfilling work has stopped.
How are we filling our time now?
We know that many of us are still working - whether onsite or at home.
But what are you doing in your extra time?
Peter and Bev Cribb, now out of international travel isolation, are reading.  Peter has time to work on his thesis and take phone calls re RORP.  They are bother entertained by the building works taking place below their 7th floor eyrie.  Each day, we have watched the development of a building site next to our building. We feel that they would not have undertaken this without our supervision.
Anne Heyes no longer has daily or even weekly visits and childminding of her grandsons.  They are socially isolating and online learning as shown in the photo sent by Anne.  Grandson  Jake out on his essential walk, collecting Pokemons etc. on his iPad. beautiful day. Jake will need his iPad also for next term of Preps, as 2nd term is going to be on line learning
Peter is also working on revising the RORP documents for when we resume.
Anne and John  are also gardening - as members of the Essendon Garden Club, their gardens are filled with magnificent plants and a good tidy up is on the way.
Anne together with Anne McMahon and Edith Chen are continuing their work and ZOOM meetings organising for a different Art Show.  The COVID-19 isolation and economic downturn have resulted
in a postponement to 2021.
Jon Temby is able to do lots of work from home and is helping many businesses with COVID-19 responses.
Lyn Borghouts is working from home and Zoe and Jules are online learning for university.  Hope she has lots of bandwidth.
Cody Bettanin is enjoying being able to spend time at home with his children, especially new baby daughter Harlow.  He is also working from home with online real estate.
Shradd is working from home and helping her daughter with online learning.  She is also finding time to create extra long chalk hopscotch patterns along the footpath outside her home.
Allan Bruno reports that for the first time in all his years, he has actually had time to relax.  He is spending a lot of time in his garden too which is filled with fruit tees and vegetables.
Lesley has completed and published the April Networker and is liaising with PDG Julie for ZOOM RLI days in July.
.   She is now spending 4 hours most days in her garden which is benefitting from the extra care and attention.  Fortunately she and Bill have a very big garden so plenty of work to do.