Imagine a classroom filled with refugee students, eager to learn but uncertain of their future; and teachers who are also refugees, relying solely on tuition fees for their livelihood. When fees can’t be paid, education stops, and both students and teachers face hardship. This is the situation at the refugee camp in Kassala, South Sudan. UN Media
Your donation can change this. By contributing, you provide a lifeline for teachers to continue their work without interruption, and for students to receive the education they deserve. This program ensures stability and hope for all involved, creating a brighter future where learning never stops. Together, we can break the cycle of uncertainty and empower a generation of refugees with knowledge and opportunity. Join us in making a lasting impact today.
Rotary is supporting fundraising with BBQ at Moonee Valley Festival on 22 February where all proceeds will go towards this project.
How Your Donation Will Make a Difference
By donating, you help provide a consistent source of income for these teachers and a continuous education for their students, offering them both a chance at a brighter future and the hope to rebuild their lives.
Donate $200 (Cover a Teacher's Salary for a Month)
Donate $400 (Sponsor a Student's Tuition for a Year)

- School Infrastructure: EAHA has supported the construction and repair of classrooms in the camps, including restoring three classrooms and building essential facilities like a protective wall around a school in Kassala, Sudan.
- Teacher Support: EAHA’s fundraising campaigns have been successful in supplementing the meager wages of teachers who are dedicated to educating these children, ensuring they can continue their critical work despite the tough circumstances.
- Educational Resources: EAHA has distributed school books and stationery to over 1,700 students, providing them with the tools they need to learn and thrive.
- Covering Teachers’ Salaries: Ensure that dedicated teachers can continue their vital work by covering their salaries. This helps retain quality educators who are crucial to the students' learning experience.
- Supporting School Operations: Help maintain and improve school facilities, ensuring students have a safe and conducive environment for learning.
- Sponsoring a Student: By sponsoring a student's tuition for a year, you can give a child the priceless gift of education, empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and build a better future.
- Donation OptionsHow to DonateYou can easily make a donation via PayPal by clicking the link that corresponds to your chosen donation amount. PayPal offers a secure and convenient way to support our mission:
- Donate $10 (Cover Teacher's Salary for a Day)
- Donate $50 (Cover Teacher's Salary for a Week)
- Donate $200 (Cover a Teacher's Salary for a Month)
- Donate $400 (Sponsor a Student's Tuition for a Year)